
Trinix Media

DevOps Server

To aid in development and debugging of various Trinix Computer Systems, All access to this server is strictly monitored.

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Your Host IPis: ec2-18-116-63-107.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Accessed at: 2025-01-22T19:05:46+00:00

All Systems GO!


Zen Developer Environment*

*NOTE: Image does not depict reality

Trinix Media's current apps in development:

Custom Self Hosted Gitea Repository:

We house all our projects in-house. This allows us complete control over who has our data. You can check out some of our public repository here git.trinix.io, here you'll find a mixture of handy BASH scripts, some Javescript and PHP helper funtions and some cheatsheats for ffmpeg, youtube-dl and more.


The 'Media' in Trinix Media.

Trinix Media YouTube chanels:

The Trinix Media YouTube Channel has videos that cover a wide range of tips and tricks for the aspiring middle aged developer. Here you'll find all sort of random IT related content. Some of it's helpful, some of it's not so helpful but can be mildly entertaining, and then there's that dark corner that I won't talk about here but I will say this: the world needs more honest to good people in it if we ever hope to maintain our humanity.

The Trinix RantiX YouTube Channel is a lot of wining and bitching on my ppart, but I feel it covers what rustrates almost everybody who uses technology. It gets to the point where you gotta just blow off some steam. It's healthier than keepim got bottled up. If your frustrated with the current state of IT...know your not alone and check out my channel.

The Brando.blog YouTube Channel is just a place to put conent about my hobbies and other misc personal content that wouldn't make sence to include in the other. Currently I'm using it as a platform to document my adult-bully neighbors that are making me & my wife uncomfortable in rt own home.

In my many hours of research into the matter, I realized one thing: there are way too many assholes in this world and if these buillies aren't put to a stop we will inevitably loose our humanity.

My situation suck hard, but I'm not going to pretend other people don't have it worse...they certainly do from the horror stories I read online. I do however have a need to get this out there because it's hard to stop a bullie single handedly, but if we band together and with the compasion of others...well, we just may have a chance.

If you've been bullied by an adult bully, please check out my channel and share your story. Good luck & stay safe.


This is a web portal that allows developers deploy and testers to give feedback on various applications that are in developments. The server is locally hosted while also having access to remote cloud servers in NYC and India.

It need not be said, but I'll say it any way: This is a development test site. Things will be broken at various stages and a lot of the user interface buttons only need at most a couple links to verify functionality, so many menus are just filled with place holder text.

If your here you know that, if you stumbled across this page because you fell down some sort of rabit hold while browsing the Internet, then this message is for you:please back up (Alt+Left Arrow Key). This content doesn't reflect the quality of any production build and trying to use this site in any way will only frustrate you and put an put a false stigma on unfinished software.

If your a curious lad (or lady), then by all means poke around. Just keep the above in mind and we're all good ;)


Tools of the DevOps Trade

Trinix Media DevOps Infactructure Notes:

Custom Self Hosted Gitea Repository:

We house all our projects in-house. This allows us complete control over who has our data. You can check out some of our public repository here git.trinix.io, here you'll find a mixture of handy BASH scripts, some Javescript and PHP helper funtions and some cheatsheats for ffmpeg, youtube-dl and more.

Graphical Design

Graphical Design*

*NOTE: Again, This image does not depict reality

Trinix Media's Graphical Design Portfolio:

Portfolio Preview:

Here are a couple of renders done in Blender that we've created. More can be found at: Portfolio.Trinix.Media.